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Student organizations

Get involved

When you join a student organization, you’ll gain professional experience outside the classroom and studio, further develop your leadership skills, engage in social and cultural interactions, and provide a valuable service to the university and surrounding community. You’ll also have a voice in planning events and work with visiting artists and other creative professionals. No matter your area of interest, Cliffe College of Creative Arts encourages you to become involved in one or more organizations.


Art student Organizations

F10 (Photography)

The purpose of F(10) is to have an active photography and fine art community on campus and the surrounding area. F(10) aims to promote student work, traditional and contemporary photography practices, opportunities for students to attend photography related events outside of the community, raise funds for events, and provide the opportunity to display work outside of the classroom.

The Student Art Association

The Student Art Association (SAA) is an organization of student artists who dedicate their time and efforts to the benefit of the people, and students of Youngstown State University and its surrounding community. They are a group that aspires to motivate art and culture by fundraising for and inspiring young artists in the Mahoning Valley. The group often collaborates with Poverty Awareness in Youngstown, Ohio (PAYO) and the Federal Frenzy event. They promote the mobility of art and artists in the Youngstown, Ohio region.


Find out more about all YSU student organizations

Our campus is always brimming with activities, and there are countless opportunities to get involved, try something different, and meet new people. With over 200 student organizations, you’ll find something that fits your interests.

All YSU Student Organizations