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Michelle Nelson

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Phone 330.941.1858

Michelle Nelson

Graphic Design

LocationBliss Hall 4073
  Cliffe College of Creative Arts
  547 Wick Avenue
  Youngstown, OH 44503




  • 1998

    M.F.A., Graphic Design

    Indiana University

  • 1993

    B.F.A., Graphic Design

    Indiana University-Purdue University, Herron School of Art and Design



Michelle Nelson has her MFA in Graphic Design from Indiana University Bloomington, and also holds two bachelor degrees in Graphic Design and Photography from Herron School of Art. She is a practicing Graphic Designer with over twenty years of experience, and has worked as a professional Photographer. As an educator Professor Nelson is passionate about opening her students to new experiences visually. She tirelessly encourages her students to branch off in directions that they have yet to explore.


An expert in the field of typography, Professor Nelson also has experience in print, identity systems, font creation, and book design. Her work can be found in the pages of the internationally recognized design magazine Émigré and she has spoken at national conferences on the topic of typography. Professor Nelson’s scholarly work relates directly to her teaching of typography and font creation, and she is currently working on an extensive font family that visits many different font classifications within one font family. She enjoys the rich palette of experiences the field of Graphic Design offers, and is constantly challenged by the changing face of the Graphic Design.


Professor Nelson has held faculty positions with Northern Arizona University, Eastern Michigan University, and University of South Carolina Upstate before joining the faculty at Youngstown State University.