Undergraduate Admissions

Students will initially be admitted to University in the "STEM-T" (formerly "PRE-COMPUTER) major in the STEM College. Students may and should apply for a transfer into the Computer Science, or Information Technology programs once they have met the eligibility requirements. Students will be eligible to transfer to the CSCI or IT major once they have completed all pre-college Math (i.e ready to take MATH 1513, 1552, or higher MATH) and pre-college English (i.e ready to take ENGL 1550).

The typical courses are taken by a PRE-COMPUTER major prior to transferring to a departmental program follows:

Intended Major- Computer Science: CSIS 1590 or CSIS 2610
Intended Major- Information Technology: INFO 1575 or CSIS 1590
New Students, former YSU students, and external transfer students will enter the University as "STEM-T" majors and apply for admission to a departmental major when the above criteria are satisfied.