We're Open for School Visits! Book your STEM Field Trip Today!

STEM Field Trips

The YSU College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics encourages you to bring your students to campus to experience a day with STEM! Gather a group of up to 40 high school juniors and/or seniors and we’ll provide the fun and the food! A typical visit runs from about 9-1:30 and includes science demonstrations with our Dean, a hands-on tour of our brand new Excellence Training Center, and a visit with one of our academic departments. You’ll enjoy lunch at your choice of Chick-fil-A or the KC Food Court before heading back home.

This Fall we will offer field trip opportunities EVERY TUESDAY from September 7th through December 14th.

For more information or to schedule your trip, contact Emilie Brown, Coordinator for STEM Outreach and Scholarships, at egbrown02@ysu.edu or 330.941.2884. 

We can’t wait to see you here!