STEM Dean's Office Gets Facelift

The Dean of STEM has been making an effort to revamp the hallways of Moser Hall to catch the eye of students and visitors with its new appeal and new feel.
Through donations made out to the STEM College, Wim Steelant, Dean, has made it one of his personal missions to boost the morale of STEM Students by revamping the hallways of Moser hall. He has noted that the hallways on each floor of the building are lacking luster in terms of achievements, history, and overall look. Dr. Steelant has said that the walls and hallways look “uninspiring”, and he didn’t want STEM students to not be inspired whenever they enter the building.
With that, Dr. Steelant is trying to brand perspective. He wants to inspire his students by not only showing the accomplishments of the past, but to show what students are truly made of. He has stated that the process will be slow, as the money for the revamp is primarily through donations. Dr. Steelant plans for all hallways to be revamped and to have their own themes and achievements and has said that the basement will need an entire facelift.
The first project to be completed is the wall outside of the Dean’s Office. The fresh new look brings an exciting and professional feel to the area. Soon, the wall directly across from the Dean’s Office, where a timeline of 3D printing currently exists, will be updated.
If you would like to contribute towards the Dean’s revamp effort, please donate specifically for the hallway revamp through the YSU Foundation Page.