Physics Olympics Makes In-Person Return

Pictured above: Area high school students compete in physics olympics
Physics Olympics 2022 was held on Saturday, February 26th in the Stambaugh gymnasium, racquetball courts, hallways, classrooms, and Presidential Loge. Two teams from Hickory High School, Boardman High School, and Lowellville High School competed in the face-to-face of twelve events. This years' events included Fermi Questions, Quiz Show, Flying Machine, Hot Water Making, Bridge Building, Ping Pong Launch, Physics Phloater, Egg Drop, Physics Hang Ups Poster Competition, Faraday Pick Up, Soda Straw Arm, and Music Making. Each competition was judged by Physics Department Faculty assisted by YSU Honors College students and community volunteers.
The events are sponsored by local area businesses and Vernier Software and Technology. President Tressel attended the event and addressed the competitors, coaches, and parents. Awards were assigned based on scores received in each event with Hickory A scoring 168 points, Hickory B 165, while Lowellville garnered 158 and Boardman scored 90. The PAGES Department, along with Mary Janek, Physics Olympics Coordinator, were thrilled to hold the competition F2F after a year hiatus due to the Covid pandemic. "We expect to see the competition grow as the students and their coaches feel more confident returning to campus to compete", stated Janek, when asked about this years' competition.