Baja Car Places 13th Internationally!

The 2021 Penguin Baja Racing competition team is shown in the picture at the conclusion of four successful days of dynamic events in Louisville, Kentucky, May 20th to May 23rd. The static events were conducted virtually in March. Of the 80 national and international teams registered for Louisville, the YSU team placed 13th in the overall combined static and dynamic scores, besting all six other Ohio teams for the first time! Specific dynamic placements include 26th in Hill Climb, 15th in Maneuverability, 11th in Acceleration, 8th in Suspension, 11th in Overall Dynamics, and 18th in the four-hour Endurance Race. The 2022 Penguin Baja Racing team has already started working this summer, with the goal of top ten finish at the 2022 event.