Instrumentation serves the educational and research needs of the students and faculty at YSU and at collaborating regional colleges.
In addition to the smaller GCxGC/TOF, ICP/MS, chromatographic, spectroscopic, physical and analytical instruments, the Department of Chemistry houses:
- An X-ray diffraction lab consisting of three single-crystal and one powder X-ray diffractometers, and an X-ray fluorimeter; and
- An NMR lab equipped with two Bruker multinuclear NMRs operating at 400 MHz.
The research-grade major instrumentation was purchased through a combination of NSF, state and internal funds.
X-Ray diffraction laboratory
The X-ray diffraction laboratory at Youngstown State is part of the Youngstown State University Structure & Chemical Instrumentation Facility featuring X-ray analysis and electron microscopy laboratories, the NMR spectroscopy lab, several mass spectrometers and a variety of other instrumentation for advanced chemical and materials analysis needs.
The X-ray laboratory is located within the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences in Ward Beecher Hall, room 5026. It is equipped with several state of the art instruments listed below.
- Bruker Prospector CCD Diffractometer with copper microsource X-ray tube, laterally graded X-ray optics (Goebel mirror), variable temperature capabilities (90-400K) for small molecule and macromolecular single crystal work as well as capillary powder XRD data collection.
- Bruker Quest CMOS Diffractometer with molybdenum microsource X-ray tube, laterally graded X-ray optics (Goebel mirror), variable temperature capabilities (90-500K) for small molecule single crystal data collection.
Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometers Information - Bruker-Nonius D8 Advance Power Diffractometer with sealed tube Cu X-ray source, nine sample changer, VÅNTEC-1 area detector and optics for High Resolution Powder Data Collection.
- Rigaku Miniflex II XRD, with a sealed tube Cu X-ray source and a six sample changer for routine powder XRD data collection.
- An S2 Ranger X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is capable to detect elements sodium and heavier with intuitive touch-screen interface and a 28 position X-Y auto sampler.
We offer access to our instrumentation for the larger American academic community and corporations on a time available basis. For rates, sample submission procedures or to schedule a visit, please contact Mr. Ray Hoff (
Refurbished in 2008, the NMR lab is equipped with two new 400 MHz multinuclear NMRs.
- New Bruker Avance magnet, robotic sample changer and variable temperature accessories
- Triple resonance probe optimized for 13C observation with simultaneous 1H and 19F decoupling
- Bruker Avance 400 spectrometer with a refurbished magnet and a multinuclear broadband inverse probe for indirect detection of less sensitive nuclei and multidimensional NMR data collection.
Interested in using our NMR labs or need NMR training? Please contact:
Mr. Ray Hoff
Electron Microscopy Facility
Equipment and instrumentation include:
- JEOL JIB-4500 Multi Beam System located in Room 5035A, Ward Beecher Science Hall.
- JEOL 2100 Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope located in Room 5035A, Ward Beecher Science Hall.
- JEOL JSM-7600F Scanning Electron Microscope located in Room 1440, Moser Hall.
- JEOL JSM-IT300LV Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope located in Room 1440, Moser Hall.
Information on Electron Microscopes