
Instrumentation serves the educational and research needs of the students and faculty at YSU and at collaborating regional colleges.

In addition to the smaller GCxGC/TOF, ICP/MS, chromatographic, spectroscopic, physical and analytical instruments, the Department of Chemistry houses:

  • An X-ray diffraction lab consisting of three single-crystal and one powder X-ray diffractometers, and an X-ray fluorimeter; and
  • An NMR lab equipped with two Bruker multinuclear NMRs operating at 400 MHz.

The research-grade major instrumentation was purchased through a combination of NSF, state and internal funds.


X-Ray diffraction laboratory

The X-ray diffraction laboratory at Youngstown State is part of the Youngstown State University Structure & Chemical Instrumentation Facility featuring X-ray analysis and electron microscopy laboratories, the NMR spectroscopy lab, several mass spectrometers and a variety of other instrumentation for advanced chemical and materials analysis needs.

The X-ray laboratory is located within the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences in Ward Beecher Hall, room 5026. It is equipped with several state of the art instruments listed below.

  1. Bruker Prospector CCD Diffractometer with copper microsource X-ray tube, laterally graded X-ray optics (Goebel mirror), variable temperature capabilities (90-400K) for small molecule and macromolecular single crystal work as well as capillary powder XRD data collection.
  2. Bruker Quest CMOS Diffractometer with molybdenum microsource X-ray tube, laterally graded X-ray optics (Goebel mirror), variable temperature capabilities (90-500K) for small molecule single crystal data collection.
    Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometers Information
  3. Bruker-Nonius D8 Advance Power Diffractometer with sealed tube Cu X-ray source, nine sample changer, VÅNTEC-1 area detector and optics for High Resolution Powder Data Collection.
  4. Rigaku Miniflex II XRD, with a sealed tube Cu X-ray source and a six sample changer for routine powder XRD data collection.
  5. An S2 Ranger X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is capable to detect elements sodium and heavier with intuitive touch-screen interface and a 28 position X-Y auto sampler.

We offer access to our instrumentation for the larger American academic community and corporations on a time available basis. For rates, sample submission procedures or to schedule a visit, please contact Mr. Ray Hoff (



Refurbished in 2008, the NMR lab is equipped with two new 400 MHz multinuclear NMRs.

  • New Bruker Avance magnet, robotic sample changer and variable temperature accessories
  • Triple resonance probe optimized for 13C observation with simultaneous 1H and 19F decoupling
  • Bruker Avance 400 spectrometer with a refurbished magnet and a multinuclear broadband inverse probe for indirect detection of less sensitive nuclei and multidimensional NMR data collection.

Interested in using our NMR labs or need NMR training? Please contact:

Mr. Ray Hoff


Electron Microscopy Facility

Equipment and instrumentation include:

  1. JEOL JIB-4500 Multi Beam System located in Room 5035A, Ward Beecher Science Hall.
  2. JEOL 2100 Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope located in Room 5035A, Ward Beecher Science Hall.
  3. JEOL JSM-7600F Scanning Electron Microscope  located in Room 1440, Moser Hall.
  4. JEOL JSM-IT300LV Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope located in Room 1440, Moser Hall.
    Information on Electron Microscopes

Schedule for the Electron Microscopy Facility